Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sleep, Baby, Sleep

Jason's Mom, Dad, Aunt and Uncle all recollected the love that he had for Go, Dog, Go. And so, last night after bath time, Jason held Lucy and read her his favorite childhood story (which turned out to be about very little:).

Sunday, December 25, 2011

All About Me: Lucy Hannah, 1 Month Old

Lucy -

You are one month old today and  we love you so much! This is what your father and I have discovered about you thus far.

1. You LOVE to use your eyes. Lights fascinate you and you go to great lengths to keep them on bright objects.
2. You hate when people take off your clothes!
3. You love to be held.
4. At least a dozen people have said you look like a doll because you are so beautiful.
5. You have a REALLY strong neck. Since your birth, you can hold your head up on your own.
6. You sleep with your hands in the air and fingers spread apart, kicking all the while.
7. You stretch A LOT.
8. Adam protects you and watches your every move.
9. You love music...even my singing! Specifically, you enjoy Billy Joel and the Beatles.
10. You seem to calm down to the sound of the ocean, the washing machine and "shhhhh" in your ear.
11. You always cross your legs.
12. You weigh 7.11 at exactly four weeks.
13. I can put your hair behind your ears!
14. You don't mind wearing headbands. I love when you do.
15. You LOVE being burped.
16. You sleep best sitting up or leaning back in the boppy.
17. You like sleeping on your stomach more than your back...we have work to do on this front.
18. You drink 80 mLs in about 11-12 minutes.
19. You eat every 3-4 hours. 99% breast milk.
20. You love looking up at your father while laying on his chest.
21. Unlike most babies, you do not fall right asleep in the car...or anywhere for that matter.
22. You just started to enjoy rattles.
23. You have an "outtie" as of now.
24. You attempt to hold your own bottle and pacifier.
25. You like swaddle-mes more than swaddle blankets.
26. We bathe you every night and then read a story.
27. Favorite Outfit - Red Skinny Jeans, White Onsie, Black Headband
28. Favorite Entertainment - Fisher Price Little Lamb Vibrating Chair
29. Favorite Babysitter - Grandpa Bruce (Chicago)
30. You NEVER stop moving, especially while you sleep. You kick, punch and moan!
31. Best Distraction When Crying - The crib entertainment from JD - it lights up and plays music.
32. You grew out of "newborn" diapers two weeks ago and wear size one (you will for a while, I'm sure).
33. You smile a lot, though they said you're too young.
34. You go through 7 diapers, on average, per day.
35. Your dad calls you "Little One" and "baby Girl."
36. I call you the greatest miracle ever.

Can't wait to learn more this month!

Love you! Mommy xo

Friday, December 23, 2011

Hanukkah at the Goodman's House

Thursday night was the first of many holiday celebrations with the Goodman clan. Lucy, Jason, Adam and I headed to the West Loop for some latkes and presents!

Joey was dressed for the occasion in his Hanukkah bib (his mom thinks of everything). It is always so much fun to be around Joey - he seriously has more personality than most grown ups. He bounced around for most of the night while Lucy slept. It is crazy to think that these two cuties are just six months apart! I am so excited to watch Lucy progress.

 After dinner and presents, we took some photos - check out the difference in size!

 Of course Adam had to join in the fun :)...

Thanks to the Goodmans for a great night and awesome presents!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Notes from Lucy's Week

I love photo shoots! Mom started getting out
the cute clothes andsnapping away.Tomorrow night  I have a Hanukkah party
and can't wait to see what I wear! (How cute is this hat? Thanks, Donna!)
Thanks for the mobile, Grandma Sher!! My
nursery is really "coming together!"
Now, if only my rug would arrive
(compliments of the Bogarts).
This week we started a bath routine. At first I didn't take 
to the water,  but I quickly relaxed and stopped crying. I'm 
still unsure what to make of the whole tub experience, but it does make 
me nice and warm. It  reminds me of the ocean noises that put me 
to bed everyday!

I am not sleeping much these days. Everyone says I am one of the
most "alert" babies they have ever seen. My mom caught me sleeping
and couldn't resist capturing the rare daytime moment. Why sleep when  we can talk?
This is my best friend, Uncle Adam. He protects me and even
gives me his back to lean against while I eat. :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Lucy's First Hanukkah!

Tonight was Lucy's first Hanukkah! We started with a bath, then lit the candles and finally read the story of Hanukkah! She loved looking at the bright colors in the book.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

More like drenched with love...

Months ago, I was with Jason on our way to dinner with the Wolfe family when the phone rang. It was Jamie and her family; they decided that they wanted to throw me a shower after the baby was born. All of them, together... Immediately I felt grateful and beyond appreciative. Today was that shower and it was perfect/

Friends from all parts of my life were there to celebrate the birth of Lucy...even Erika and Grandma Sher flew in from Ohio and NY! Hilary drove in from MI, too! I felt so special, truly. My favorite part was when we played the newlywed game, baby style (I missed almost every question). Perhaps the highlight of the day, however, was opening Lucy's library...everyone brought her a book and wrote a message on the inside cover. We have already read five of the books!

As I looked around the room, I felt so thankful to know that Lucy has a ton of "family" in Chicago.

PS - Notice the balloons and Lucy cookies!
PPS - More pics of people are coming. This is all I have thus far.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Hello Darling!

As Lucy sleeps in her crib for the first time, I sit on the couch anticipating her cries and watching the monitor obsessively. One room away and I miss her! How is that possible? 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Bohrers Visit Luce

Aunt Anne came in from Florida to see Lucy! Along with her, she brought her crew who all spoiled Lucy with amazing gifts. Thank you so much for the fairy tale book, Marissa and Hebrew blocks, Aunt Anne! It was really great to watch so many people who love Lucy all in one place.
Aunt Anne looked grandma-ready!
Marissa looked great holding a baby!
We decided that she will have  one in eight years :)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Lucy Stands for Love and Lil

Lucy -

You already know how much love is in your life. You see it all around you - especially in your mother and father's eyes. We love you more than we thought possible, as do your Grandpa Bruces, Grandma Sher, Grandma Sandy, Aunt Meredith, Uncle Michael and Cousin Max. You are so adored!

There are two people who would have gazed at you with the same loving eyes, though you will never get the chance to meet them. Instead, you are named in their honor in order to celebrate who they were and keep their memory alive. You are forever linked!

Lucy stands for Lil. Grandma Lil, Grandma Sher's mother, was a strong dynamic New Jersey woman. She was raised in a large PA family and married Grandpa Ben after meeting him on vacation in the mountains. Grandma Lil, though far from Cleveland, always seemed right around the corner whenever I needed her (and that was before FaceTime or Skype!). She was known to be loyal, strong, into Judaism/tradition and most importantly, a believer in the importance of family. She taught me that everyone is different (I can still hear her say, "to each his own"), a lesson I consider today.

I hope these key characteristics are passed along to you. I hope you love your family as much and grow up to be just as strong. I encourage you to perceive religion as more than faith, but also as a celebration and series of traditions you can look forward to spending and building with your family, like Grandma Lil did. (Honoring Grandma Lil is the reason we keep kosher).  Oh, if you could find a partner like Grandpa Ben, I will be SO HAPPY! I'm so sorry you never met Grandma or Grandpa, but I am so grateful that just like me, you have a grandma and grandpa just a couple states away that love you more than anything in the world. NJ is further from Ohio than Chicago is, so while you will miss Grandma and Grandpa, rest assured knowing that distance is just mileage and will never keep you apart.

Hannah stands for Harold, but I'll let your father tell you all about his loving Grandpa Harold. You and I can hear stories together because I never got to meet him either.

Always remember who you are by discovering where you come from. So much of our future is dictated by our past.

I love you,

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thank Goodness for Friends and Future Besties

It was Wednesday night. Nurse Barbara was no long working with us. It was just Lucy, Jason, Adam and me. It started around nine. Lucy cried. We changed her. She continued to cry. We fed her. She started to scream. We burped her again. We sang, we danced, we bounced and finally we prayed. (Dear God, please make this baby go to bed.) Lucy Hannah had ideas of her own.

I slept ONE hour when Jason insisted that he tend to "the little one." By this point, she was not the only one in tears. I closed my eyes knowing that my level-headed husband would find the trick. I awoke to his utter frustration. "We have to ask the doctor to examine her - there is something wrong with her!"

We packed up the car and headed to our second appointment with Dr. Donohoe. Another 4 ounces - we couldn't be happier! Lucy now is coming in at 7 lbs! The doctor says she is fine, that we need to figure out how to soothe her, that she is just a baby.

A couple hours later Jamie and Shanna came over. Jamie magically relieved all the unknown (to me) gas that Lucy had stored up and put a smile on her face. She managed to teach me Lucy's preferred way to be held. Shanna rocked her for a while tears. I am SO than grateful that these two came over - not only did they get Lucy to shushhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but they were able to make me laugh more than I had in (at least) days. I was so overtired that the pump pain never seemed funnier, my acne was a riot and my hands-free bra honestly seemed like the best purchase of all time. I was a new woman. (They even helped me make my bed with fresh sheets!)

Despite all of today's happenings, the biggest event was Lucy meeting her future bestie, Joseph Goodman. While he spent most of his time in Lucy's bed, the two hit it off right away. It was pure magic.

Lucy, please tell me that by cutting out raw veggies, you will be okay. I'm so sorry - I didn't realize how much it would impact you. And please, PLEASE make tonight better than last - I'm tired...and Adam is cranky.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Two Days Sans Dad, One Night Left with Nurse

We did it! Lucy and I made it two days without Dad's help (though we counted down the minutes until his arrival).

We cried, sang, read our first book together post-birth (I Love You Through and Through, thanks to Aunt Jamie) and slept! Honestly, I love Lucy more today than I did yesterday. It is easy to do when her battling eyelashes beg to be held and make you feel like you are the answer to her greatest wishes. If only she knew she is ours.


As if it isn't challenging enough during the day, tonight marks the last of Nurse Barbara's help. Wish us luck...

Check out Lucy in her styling swaddle blanket, courtesy of Shanna Davis!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Lucy LOVES her Swing!

Lucy loves her first swing! Thank you, Northern Lights Direct :)

Lucy's First Outting and Uncle Adam

Lucy went to see the doctor and learned she gained 4 ounces in just two days! She is a great eater these days!

Needless to say, Uncle Adam is in LOVE! It only took a couple of days before this duo became inseparable!

Lucy had a wonderful week! Grandma Sandy, Grandpa Bruce, Shanna, Katie, Pete, Donna, The Nemirows,  The Shapiros, Laura (and Anna), Aunt Jamie and Aunt Michele were among some of Lucy's new friends that stopped by to spend time with her!

...just because she's the cutest!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Welcome to the world, Lucy Hannah

Yes, she did...

She flipped again and so on 11-25-11 at 10:30 AM, Jason and I were given the greatest blessing in all our lives when Lucy Hannah was brought into them. The C-Section went well, though Lucy may not have been ready to come out. "She's a stubborn one!" said Doctor Sibul, referring to the fact that he had to cut my uterus way more than anticipated because Lady Lucy wouldn't come out! "She's perfect," said the nurse, "though she does have a a growth on her ear." "You mean like this?" I asked. She has a perfect Norman on her right ear, just like mom. Much of that 2 hour period is a blur, though laying eyes on my baby girl for the first time is a memory clear as day. Instantly, I knew she was a beauty.

She's got some of mom and lots of dad. With a gorgeous black mane, button nose, and flawless skin so soft you never want to let go, Jason and I have been unable to take our eyes off of her. "You are just so beautiful," Jason has said about 35 times this week.

A week of both tears of joy and otherwise, the first week was a rough one. Lucy did not want to eat and spent it in the NICU. That being said, our small family of four quickly recognized the power that someone or something is playing a hand in Lucy's life - a power greater than ourselves. During Lucy's first week, we learned that she has a VSD in her heart. Through a series of blessings, this was detected and Lucy has been in the care of some of the greatest heart doctors in the entire world. The four of us, along with grandparents and friends, rest assured knowing that Lucy will not only play volleyball and run marathons, but also never remember the surgery that lays ahead.

Here are just SOME highlights from the week...

 Eskimo Kisses for Luce!

Dad is in LOVE!!

Lucy's first bear (from Grandma Sher and Grandpa Bruce). It is a Gund Bear, just like Elizabeth!

A great shot of Lucy's adorable back!


Leaving the hospital all together was perhaps the most exhilarating and fantastic feeling we've ever had. Coming home with Grandpa Bruce (Chicago) and being welcomed by Grandma Sher made the first hour a lot easier!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Did She or Didn't She?

I feel like she is back to her old tricks. Tomorrow I'll find out if my daughter has turned AGAIN!! If so, C Section is ON for Friday at 9:30 AM.

Oy vey. What a funny one.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Tick Tock...

As we await Baby's arrival, we're finishing up last minute "to-dos" on our list. What would this baby do without her Dad and Aunt Jamie?
This is Dad doing BabyBohrer's first load of laundry.

 Aunt Jamie completes and organizes the registry!
Baby rests up for her big debut :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Just Joking, Mom and Dad!

Two Saturdays ago, I sat at the kitchen table experiencing difficulty breathing. I thought the baby had moved and big time, but I never thought she flipped.

But she did. So for a week, Jason and I (and everyone who loves us) has been planning on a scheduled C-Section to happen as soon as three days from now. Plane tickets and trips were planned. Bags were packed. The countdown was well on its way.

A couple days ago, I thought I had felt her ago while on the elevator at work. The same sort of sensation. A major wave that took my breath away. However, given the odds of TWO turns past term, I assumed it was just in my head.

But it wasn't. She flipped AGAIN! Plane tickets have been cancelled. And now, she'll arrive the old fashion way. Ouch?

I better be careful what I wish for. I have continued to pray for a daughter with a mind of her own, who does things in her time and as she wants to. My prayers, it would seem, have been answered!

And now...we wait...:)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

No words -

I can’t really put into words what I am feeling right, but I figured I should try to capture even the slightest drop of my reality given I will never be on the verge of being a mother for the first time again. For the sake of getting it out – here is what I am going through:

The end of a long period of intense feelings of fear and the beginning of a calmness I’ve never known before – one that is ready for anything. Non-stop emerging tears of happiness. Endless daydreaming and questions. The deepest appreciation for Jason and the husband he is/father I have no doubt he will be. A new perspective on Adam – our family of three is all ready for number four. A sense that decisions are going to be made quite differently based on our number one priority. Insane excitement for learning her personality. Endless questions about what she will look like – will she have black hair? Long lashes? A norman on her ear? A shift in my life goals and outlook. Nervousness for what I cannot control. Acceptance for what I cannot control. Sadness that my family is far. Determination that baby will know everyone in Ohio and on the east just as well as loved ones in Chicago. Questions about who the nanny will be/will he or she be good enough? Curiosity about how exhausted I will be. Shock that this is really happening. An understanding that this is quite the miracle and I am so blessed that I am living it.

I didn’t even scratch the surface.

Monday, November 7, 2011

37 Weeks! (Ahhh!)

This week, we reached the “full term” mark. Should the baby be born today, she should be able to function outside of the womb on her own. This is huge. I’ve been awaiting this date since week 5 (yep, that’s how early I tested positive) and now can breathe a sigh of relief.

Jamie says the longer she’s inside, the better she will sleep. I say the sooner she is out, the quicker I will get my skin and body back. I think we’re both right. (Apparently when having a girl, acne is even worse. Who knew? I mean, seriously though, this skin is out of control...all worth it, all worth it.)
Meanwhile, I have cancelled Thanksgiving in the burbs. Instead, we'll dine with our parents on Ashland where we are just three miles away from Prentice. I feel a lot better about it and cannot wait!! We'll also be able to have an intimate birthday celebration for the best husband in the world.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Dear Baby –

Dear Baby –

We’re less than a month away. My how times flies.

I think now is the time to tell you some of my wishes for you. Be prepared - this list will never end.

1.      Accept and love yourself, just as you are.
2.      Be the very best version of yourself that you can possibly be.
3.      Explore your passions and remain curious always.
4.      Ask questions when you don’t know the answers.
5.      Respect yourself - your mind, your body, your future.
6.      Express yourself.
7.      I want you to free yourself from societal expectations and set your own. Aim high, dream big.
8.      Make time for your family. Value each member for who they are.
9.      Take mental notes of mistakes to avoid making them again in the future.
10.   Create.
11.   Be ambitious – you have no idea just how powerful or capable you are until you push your own limits. Never settle for second best.
12.   Surround yourself with friends who respect you and make you smile. Avoid those who give you heartache.
14.   Laugh a lot.
15.   Spend time with yourself, continuing to get to know yourself as you change with every passing year.
16.   Listen to your gut – it knows all.
17.   Stay active and eat healthily. You have one body to treat well and keep healthy.
18.   Only date men that are as respectful and nice to you as your father is.
19.   Read.
20.   Keep in touch with our east coast family.
21.   Hug your mom every day. (Sorry, I had to throw that in.)
22.   Live the life you are meant to – never settling for being anyone other than who YOU are.
23.   Celebrate every success and learn from each failure.
24.   Go to sleep every night knowing without a doubt that your family loves you and is here for you in every way possible!

More to come,

Thursday, October 27, 2011


We're 4.5 weeks away and I can tell. Suddenly (and I mean out of nowhere), my thighs ache and my ribs are being kicked constantly. My shirts are getting shorter and my feet are growing wider! I tried my rings on (I miss them a lot) and they don't go past my KNUCKLE! Last weekend, Jason and I were getting our sneakers on for a walk when I realized that I needed his help squeezing them on. Needless to say, there were tears...but Jason promised me that it is "beautiful."

At work I am wrapping up, putting peices of my world together so that my boss can cover for me while I am out. Jason is so busy as work (given it's Q4), but continues to kiss his daughter through my belly, find time to go to the doctor with us and remind of his love at least once randomly throughout the day.

Grandpa Bruce came in town last weekend. Even he says that we're changing, that we've gone from "newlyweds to young marrieds." He blogged about it here - and I loved it.

The more things change...the more they change! This is the first time I have finished that sentence in that way. Things are defenitely CHANGING. We're ready for it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Meet the Father


I'm Jason and soon to be the father of our little girl and husband to the best wife ever, Stacy. It's nice to be here and to be able to share our experiences with everyone who reads this.

The past 9(ish) months have been an amazing experience. Seeing our little miracle grow has been exhilirating. I remember the first time I felt her kick. We were laying in bed, my hand on Stacy's stomach. I fully expected to not feel anything. It had been about 10 minutes and nothing. We decided to put some music on for her to listen to. We played the song, "Father and Daughter" by Paul Simon. This may sound corny and made up but it's the truth that our little one kicked and I felt her for the first time during that song. One of the most amazing memories of my entire life. I can't wait to play it for her when I can actually hold her hand.

I will be chiming in from time to time sharing my thoughts and experiences. We are definitely in for a wild ride and I (and I'm sure Stacy would agree) can't wait!

Uncle Adam Prepares

 Adam has definitely been getting ready for Baby Girl Bohrer. Whether he's resting his body in the maternity pillow or captivated by Joey Goodman (he even gave him a bath with Jamie), he's been in non-stop baby mode.

He constantly rests his chin on my belly, listening for the somersaults of the baby and feeling the kicks along with me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Larger than Life

I’m finding myself quite distracted these days. Just when I start to focus on producing great work, the baby kicks me back into lala land, daydreaming about all the fun we’re going to have together. Then again, it’s hard to forget the future changes approaching when looking in the mirror – suddenly my belly is screaming 38 weeks to people who don’t know I’m only 33.5! I’m not offended, though – instead, I smile and say, “isn’t she beautiful? Nope, still have 6.5 weeks to go until I meet my babe!"

Sunday, October 2, 2011

We're Moving on the West Side

While we only moved about 7 blocks, it seems like a world away. With just a couple more months until Baby Girl Bohrer arrives, it is time to make room for our daughter. After 8 long hours, the movers finally left and the four of us slept under our new roof. Here is the before photo of the nursery! Adam is anxiously awaiting his niece!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Every Penny Counts!

In preparation for the move, Jason traded in his piggy bank for Baby Girl Bohrer's first bank account. As the bank counted each nickle, the Goodmans and Bohrers bet on the amount. Greg won! Just over $400.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Dear Baby Girl Bohrer (21 Weeks)

7.22.11, 21 weeks and 6 days 

Dear Baby -  I loved you when you were the size of a lentil. And now, months later, as I look at carrots in a way that I never have before, your father and I feel changed forever by a new level of love that we feel for you. My favorite part of carrying you is knowing that you’re always with me. All day long, I consider what you are feeling,doing, perhaps even hearing and thinking. In my morning shower, I lessen the pressure and heat for you, just in case it is too hot or too great. When I get off the bus or out of the car, I wait for walk signal (even when traffic is stopped)…just in case you’re watching my safety habits (I want to set a perfect example). When I eat lunch, I try to eat nutrients that will make you strong mentally and physically. 

I also find a way to indulge in a healthy way – I never want you to restrict yourself from the sweetness life has to offer, but always want you to seek balance when finding it. I try to drink lots of water in this summer heat, just in case you’re feeling dehydrated like I do. You make me a better water drinker. When I get home, I make sure to kiss your father so he know how happy he makes me. After we kiss, he Always bends down and kisses you through my belly to ensure that you know how happy you make him. At nighttime, I sleep on my left side…because that is what healthy moms are supposed to do. While I can’t always fall asleep,I’m always dreaming about the day I get to hold you. You’re nearly 22 weeks old and I couldn’t love you more than I do.
In such a short time, you’ve already made me a better person.

I love you, Mommy