Sunday, January 29, 2012

And We're Off...

Lucy and I are heading to Cleveland in about an hour. I've got her and Adam all packed, time to pack myself. Wish me luck - five days without a husband or (maybe equally as importantly) a swing:).

Thursday, January 26, 2012

All About Me: Lucy Hannah, 2 Months Old

Lucy -

If it is possible, your father and I are even more proud of you this month than last month. You have developed mentally and physically just the way the doctor and we had hoped. Here are some new bits about our girl this month!

1. Your favorite hang out spot is the swing. Now that you're a little bigger, it fits like a glove.
2. This month you fell in love with classical music.  The doctor says that you are a different baby with Mozart in the background (you used to cry:). *No more water or white noise.
3. You LOVE bath time and seem so relaxed while in the tub. Maybe next month we can bring toys in!
4. This month you started sleeping in the crib full time! (Thanks! Now Mom and Dad can share a bed again). We love watching you on the monitor - beats anything we can find on TV. You wake up around 5:30 and want to chill with Mom, Dad and Adam in our room. (You also wake up once in the middle of the night. Actually, Dr. Donohoe insists that we wake you after 5 hours to feed you, who knows if you would sleep through the night otherwise?! We're hoping this changes soon).
5. Your eyes can find me across the room!
6. You can sit on my lap without head support. You can even move your head around, moving it side to side and up and down.
7. Your (aka Mom's) favorite two outfits - the jean skirt and your pink tie-dyed onesie.
8. You LOVE looking at the mirror above the swing.
9. You are starting to enjoy the regular mirror, too.
10. Today was your two month doctor appointment. You weigh 9.7 lbs (in the 10th percentile) and are 22 inches long (25th percentile). The doctor says you couldn't be more on track or "perfect." (Duh.)
11. You take Zantac for acid is the best thing ever!
12. I still pump all day long, providing mostly breast milk. Your appetite demands a supplementation of Similac for Gassy and Fussy Babies (not that you are, but, this is what you will take:).
13. You met Cousin Max, Uncle Michael and Aunt Meredith this month. You LOVED them.
14. You sneeze multiple times in a row like your parents, Grandma Sandy and Grandpa Bruce (Cleveland).
15. You just started to suck your fist - what's that all about, honey?
16. Dad feeds you during weekend night, Mommy during the week.
17. You stop crying when bounced.
18. You are big enough for your bumboo chair.
19. You eat 95-100 MLs 7-8 times daily.
20. You love the car still (I'm hoping you love it this Sunday when we go to Cleveland for the first time! I couldn't be more excited).
21. You stretch in your sleep and moan while you do it. Hilarious.

We love you so much. I am treasuring these first few months more than you know. I actually look forward to holding you in the middle of the night now...I figure I'll sleep some other year.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Gorgeous Babies...with a lot of Bogart in them! :)

The other day at Grandpa Bruce's house, everyone was saying that Lucy looks "JUST LIKE JASON." Although I see some resemblance (thank goodness, he's so darn cute), I have to argue that she's got Bogart in her, too! Check out the photos below. These are of Cousin Max when he was younger. Do you not see Lucy in these pics?? If you know my sister in law, you know that Max looks JUST like her, too, but clearly the Bogart gene is representing. 

Can you imagine two cuter cousins? I can't! Below the pics is a new video of Lucy. I think she looks like Max in it. It was taken yesterday, just shy of two months old.

What? Everyone mom wants their baby to look like them. :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lucy relaxes in the tub...Adam in the crib...on the same night

I have been seeking out ways to cheer Adam up lately. I read online that  by involving your dog in the baby's daily activities, he/she will be happier around the baby. Don't get me wrong, Adam has been very content and always nice to his new niece, BUT he does not seem to be quite as happy. Meanwhile, Lucy has been figuring out the bathtub everyday, somewhat unsure about whether or not she likes it. This week, both Lucy and Adam found their way.

 Jason and I always clean her together, but on this specific night, Adam helped, too. The bath was perfect for Lucy (and has been ever since) and Adam was happy to be included (he even helped to change her afterward). He also got to experience the crib. Now, he knows all. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Meet Lucy Hannah

Yesterday Grandpa Bruce had his friends over to show off his smart grandchild, Lucy! It was a chance for all his suburban friends to get to know the new love of his life. At the end, Lucy and Grandpa Bruce said goodbye for six whole weeks (he is off to Florida). Lucy was such a great girl! She did not fuss even once. She napped at the end of the day and slept a ton at night - being social is exhausting, but she is clearly a social butterfly.:)

PS - Adam had a great time, too!

Here are some highlights from the day:

Saturday, January 21, 2012

A week of firsts....

First roll! Lucy is such a great eater now! 

First purse! She carries her phone, compact and change purse. Compliments of the Silvermans.

Not a first :)

First time sitting in a chair!

First time meeting Aunt Jessica! (Pls tell me you got a better pic, Jess.)

And just a photo that made me laugh.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Heart is Full, Milestone?

Everyday is better than the last. Lucy is becoming a person, growing more physically than I could have imagined and developing more mentality than I anticipated. Everything is happening so quickly, but I am positive that both Jason and I are taking it all in.

Lucy and I are growing together and figuring it out as a team. We communicate significantly better than did just a week ago. When she cries, I know what she wants. If I don't, I know how to soothe her. I know when she's hungry, can anticipate when she's tired and understand her facial expressions, too.

This week, Jason and I both believe that we got first smiles out of her. I'm hoping it wasn't just gas. :) Either way, it was beautiful and my heart skipped a beat.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Milestone: Sleeping in the Crib (an entire night) - almost 7 Weeks

It is 4:50 AM and Lucy is sleeping her in her crib. Last weekend she made it through two "rounds" (feeding and then sleeping until the next feeding) in her crib, but as I type this now, she is sleeping through the third!  If she sleeps until the next feeding, she will have successful made it through the entire night. I am so proud! Go Lucy!

About one and half weeks ago, we decided it was crib time. We tried the "cry it out" method, but were told she is too young. Jason then tried the "rock her until she's nearly asleep" method and it seems to work.

Meanwhile - as of today she weighs 8 lbs and 10.5 ounces. Still a peanut!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Lucy Meets Cousin Chicago!...with Grandma, too!

The Bohrer family counted down all week...and then the weekend finally arrived. Grandma Sherry came on Wednesday (even babysat and let Jason and me have our first night out just us) and the Bogarts arrived the day later. Jason and I were so excited to finally introduce Luce to her Uncle Michael, Aunt Meredith and Cousin Max. We couldn't believe how big Cousin Max had become! He knew so many "tricks" and is a walking baby genius. We hope Lucy picked up on some of his moves and cannot believe what we have to look forward to in just 13 months!

Here are some highlights. More to be posted tomorrow.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year, Baby Mozart

My how things have changed! This year, our family of four had a "quiet" night at home. Until around 11:30 when Lucy cried...and cried..and cried. Only this time, we discovered how to make her stop...Mozart.

Here is a photo of Lucy calming down next to an iPad which is playing Mozart for our little intellect. It is still playing hours later.

At midnight, Jason and I kissed each other, as well as our baby and dog. We are counting on 2012 to be as precious and fabulous as 2011, the best year of our lives.
And here is a photo of Miss Lucy ready to visit the Shapiro's new home in Vernon Hills two days ago. While she loved visiting the suburbs, she says she's more of a city girl for now.