Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My heart Skipped a Beat - Or two!

Last weekend you took my breath away. I had no idea how much it would mean for me to see you in temple, being held by Rabbi Skoff. I had no clue. Perhaps it was because the man who bat mitzvahed me and married Daddy and me held you up to the congregation - including family from near and far, as he blessed you. Perhaps it was because the next time you have the religous spotlight on you, it will be when you're consecrated or bat mitzvahed.

You continue to take my breath away. I love you more than you know and am more proud of you today than I was yesterday. I'm not kidding - I love you, i love you, i love you!

We all love you. Grandma Sherry, Grandpa Bruce, Grandma Sandy, Grandpa Bruce, Uncle Michael, Aunt Meredith, Max!!, Uncle Joel, Aunt Fran, Donna, Aunt Arlene, Uncle David, Marissa, Great Grandma Harriet!!, Uncle Hal, Aunt Margie


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Are you really almost SIX MONTHS OLD????????

Where has the time gone?

I'm so sorry that I have failed to write lately, Luce. We've been SO busy! We have been to the park, to Wrigley for Joey's birthday, at Daddy's baseball game with Adam, playing with Abby and Ryan, going to music class w/ Anna, etc etc etc.

And you have been really busy changing, too. YOU ARE EATING RICE CEREAL!, you spend all your time moving around or sucking your toes, you seem to be teething, you're still loving Joanna and best of all - it is clear that you love Dad, Adam and me. And that makes me so happy.

You are so happy.

And so pretty.

And perhaps too smart! You know how to get my phone in your mouth better than I know how to keep it away. You move around like crazy in your sleep - remind me to look into bumpers, i believe they are okay after a certain amount of time...I hate waking up to your limbs out of the crib!

I just dove in to catch you up really quickly. more on life tomorrow.

Kisses from Mommy,

Monday, April 2, 2012

Dear Lucy –
There is something truly peaceful about the airport – if you arrive on time, that is. I’m here now. It is not even 6:30 AM on Sunday and all I hear is white noise (this time tomorrow the business women will be blanketing the scene).
This is the first time I’ve left town without you. You told me to go. I listened.
I’m off to Cleveland for both work and fun. I’m going to celebrate Katie’s wedding by showering her w/ the rest of her female peeps! I’m so excited for her and Corey. I really think she’s found her match. I will stay for three meetings tomorrow while I’m there – it’s all about being efficient if I must be away from you.
 I have always been fascinated by airports. Any place or thing that can inspire such opposite reactions/feelings is intriguing. At an airport, you can find two people reuniting with such joy, celebrating the weekend or time they will share ahead. You can also find two loved ones separating, hugging and crying because they have to part. My favorite group to watch is a couple on their way to vacation.
You can tell that they’ve checked out and are ready to turn off the world they are leaving behind. I can always tell what they are up to by what they are wearing. Right now I am watching a family in flip flops across from me now. Clearly it is Spring break and they will return with a tan this weekend. So predictable. C’mon, give me a challenge.
 I hope you see the world one day. But for now, let’s plan some domestic trips so you can see our family. First stop will be NY in August. You’ll meet the East coast family at Jenette’s wedding weekend. Until then, get excited for Passover next week.
 I’m leaving on a jetplane, oh babe I hate to say goodbye.
See you tomorrow night. I love you! Please kiss Daddy for me. Adam, too.


Saturday, March 31, 2012

on being sick for the first time

Dear Luce –

I’m so sorry that you’ve been sick this week! It stinks to have stomach bugs and especially when you’re experiencing your first cold. I just wanted to write you to tell you how sweet you’ve been despite feeling under the weather.

You are the sweetest baby ever. Even the nurses at Doctor Donohoe’s office say so. You make being a mom – or a doctor/nurse – easy jobs to do. When you cry, it’s only because you need something. You’re truly a dream.

Today marks seven days of being sick. I think you’re definitely getting better, which is in line with what DD says should be.

Love you,

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Lucy -

I cannot believe it has been 4 FREAKING MONTHS! You are more beautiful than I could have ever dreamed of. You are expanding your world everyday by seeing new things, going new places and interacting with your surroundings more and more. Here are a couple highlights from this month:

1. You grab everything. When you get a grip good enough, you put whatever it is in your mouth.
2. Joanna thinks you may be starting the teething phase. Time will tell!
3. You NEVER go in the swing. Dad says there is a way to turn the seat upright, so this may change.
4. You spend everyday w/ joanna and Adam. You walk almost every day around noon, take your last nap around 2:30 and awake in time for a bottle and a couple hours of playtime with your parents.
5. You LOVE Will I Am's "What I am" song from Sesame Street. I know you shouldn't be looking at screens, but when you're sad, I give into the urge to make you happy with youtube's version.
 6. You have your first cold today - 3/28/12.
7. YOU ROLLED OVER for the first time last Friday. You did it three times for Joanna and me. You did it again on Sunday night.
8. Your mat is your happy place.
9. You went out for dinner for the first time ever. You went to Callo with Joel, Sherry, Mom, Dad and Grandpa Bruce. You were an angel.
10. You took a walk to Wrigley Field with Grandpa Bruce. He took a pic of you and Ernie Bank's statue.
11. You are growing out of your 3 month clothes.
12. You continue to sleep through the night - not one night has been otherwise.
13. You had a playdate with a new friend, Abby. Joanna loves Abby. She's 2 years old.
14. We went on our first family trip. The Goodmans invited us to Twin Lakes, WI. You slept in the pack and play and were perfect! Joey was a good host.
15. You held hands with a boy for the first time. You guessed it...Joey Goodman!!
16. You are getting closer and closer to holding your own bottle.
17. You love watching Adam run around the house.

I love you. So much. More and more every minute of every hour of every day.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tonight I'm Sad

Dear Lucy -

I planned poorly this week. Three nights I will be out! Terrible. Ugh, can't believe I didn't plan better! Last night I took clients out for dinner and tonight I worked out with clients. Honest to god, it was fun both nights, but nothing will ever compare to the time I'm with you.

We did a boot camp tonight. Each sit up I spelled out another letter in your name - L-U-C-Y-H-A-N-N-A-H. My co-worker Angela said, "do it for Luce," and suddenly I had a ton of energy. I'd do anything for you, you know that, right?

This weekend it is the four of us and the Goodmans in WI. Leave your cell at home - it's family time!!

I love you more than sleeping in, butterspray, talking on the phone and no chip manicures. And yes - I will watch you in the monitor until I fall asleep. Hopefully you'll wake up at the crack of dawn for our daily 6 AM playtime.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Marry Someone Who Will Paint Your Toes

Dear Lucy -

When you're old enough, make sure the person you marry will paint your toes. With everything going on right now, little time is left for pedicures. Spring suddenly sprung this year, so I haven't yet had the chance to get one...I'm sure I'll do it this week. Tonight when I asked your father if he would paint my toes, he said, "sure," without even thinking twice. Is he the sweetest, or what!?!

I can't wait until we can paint yours!

Thanks for an amazing weekend, Luce! Love you!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

On Missing Grandma

Dear Lucy -

In case you aren't aware, I talk to Grandma Sherry a couple times a day. I tell her almost everything. Now that I'm a mom, I respect mine a lot more. Did you know that being a mom is perhaps one of the most difficult and rewarding things you can do?

Grandma Sherry encouraged her children to see the world beyond Cleveland, Ohio. While her heart was and always will be in NY, she supported my move to Chicago in 2006. Perhaps she was dissappointed that I was going west instead of east with her other kids. Perhaps she thought it was temporary until I started a family of my own. Maybe, however, she just wanted me to be happy. Yeah, that's defenitely it. Not once has she insisted that I look back. She knows I'm in the right place.

Grandma Sherry loves us so much, Luce. Did you know that Grandma Sher taught me that indepedence is imperative, the world is bigger than our own and that education and judism is worth the committment. You'll notice that I share those values and will work to pass them along to you, too.

I miss her every day. You will too...once you know how much you love her. I guess the point of this letter is to let you know that I miss her so much right now...usually I think about her but once in a while it hurts. Today is one of those days. I had to tell someone. In just a couple of weeks, though, we will head to Cleveland to celebrate Passover and three generations of beautiful women will reunit again.

Until then, we have the phone.

Love You,

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fake it 'Til You Make It

Dear Lucy –
I knew it would happen at some point, I just didn’t expect it to be the same day I banged your head against the wall. I’m sorry.
I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and just did not feel like leaving you today (not that I really ever do!). Perhaps it was because, as I explained to you, yesterday was a weird day at work – could it have rolled over a whole day? I told you about my day when I got home. As usual you didn’t say much – I cannot wait until I know what you’re thinking. I explained my whole “fake it until you make it” theory. Sometimes you just have to smile and put one foot infront of the other. That’s what I did today. Eventually someone or something will “make it.” Today it was your dad. He emailed me twice to remind me how much the three of you love me.
I hope your day is going well. I just got this pic from Joanna, so it looks like you guys are welcoming Springtime with open arms…no surprise given that you always have your arms stretched open to the world. Keep it that way, Luce.
 I’m going to the gym tonight, but will be home right after. Defenitely in time to kiss you and put you to sleep. If not, don’t mind that breathtaking woman peaking over the rails of your crib…she’s just gushing over the best work she’s ever done.
I love you,

Friday, March 2, 2012

Meet Joanna!!!!!!!!!!

Dear Lucy,

Your father and I truly believe that yesterday marked the beginning of an era. The Joanna Era. On HER birthday, she started caring for both you and Uncle Adam. Promptly at 7:30, Joanna walked in with a gift for YOU (adorable socks with a big shiney bow) and a smile. On your first day together, you spent almost two hours walking, you played fetch (well, one of you did), ate, did tummy time, played, read books and napped. We returned home at 5:32 (two minutes late) to a one worn out pup and a relaxed baby. We were thrilled. Eh, more like beyond happy.

We love Joanna and hope that you do, too. We love her because she cares about you, how you see the world, how you develop and even building your character. She takes pride in your health, cleanliness and grooming. She's FUN!! She's social. She's hilarious! She's engaging. I am slightly jealous that you get to play with her all day. I'm so excited for you! I just know you're going to have a blast. I would never leave you for so many hours if I wasn't confident that you were in the best care possible.

Be extra kind, Luce. She just left a family after over 6 years. Her heart is filled with love and pride for Olivia and Gracie, but we know there's room for you and 'Adash', too. Oh the fun you three will have. Make sure she sends me lots of pics.

I wonder what you guys are doing now... Whatever it is, just know that I'm 8.5 hours away and then it's weekend - just for us four!! Yeah, baby!!

Love you!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

On Working Late Last Night

Dear Lucy -

I worked later than usual last night. I had dinner with one of my favorite clients. I just want you to know that I only did it because Dad was home with you and I knew you were happy to spend time with him. When I got home, we cuddled. Dad kept you up just for us. I held you for a while and then you awoke. You were not happy, though I'm guessing it was just because you were hungry and not because you were angry with me. Either way, you felt better quickly and went to sleep shortly thereafter.

I missed you all day, but knew that we would have the next (at least) six nights to spend together. I cannot wait to see you in 9 hours.

Have a great day with your grandma and get excited...just two more days until you meet Joanna!

I love you,

Monday, February 27, 2012

All About Me: Lucy Hannah, 3 Months Old


Happy 3 months!! Wow, this has been a big month! You are way more alert and expressive than last month - perhaps you can even read this post :). Here's the scoop on you, Miss Lucy (you are soooo cute!).

1. We use the swing only as a crutch now for your fussiest times only! You're so alert and interested in what's going around you, we think you're better off learning than sleeping (which is what happens when you're swinging).
2. You started grabbing toys this month! Your dad really worked with you all month on developing this skill and now you're (almost) a master! It has been so exciting to watch.
3. This month the doctor gave you permission to go into public more often. We went to Northbrook Court a couple times, to FedEx, to Cleveland, to Eggsperience/Meli/Once Upon a Bagel, to my office and even to the grocery store.
4. You slept through the night for the very first time on the 26th (one day after your 3rd month was complete). Daddy and I were THRILLED! (Secretly I know I will miss you in the middle of the night.)
5. You really enjoy colorful books and we love reading them to you!
6. You can find me across the room. Easily.
7. You won't take your eyes off the television. Consequently, we're watching a lot less!
8. You still HATE tummy time, but are clearly making progress. You also LOVE standing up!
9. You smile most often in the mornings. You LOVE when we change your diapers.
10. I think you're a righty while Dad thinks you're a lefty. Time will tell!!
11. You still have greyish/blueish eyes.
12. You are transitioning out of your 0-3 month clothing. I packed it up for your little sister or brother. I'm not going to lie, I cried. You're already getting so big and so fast!!
13. At 3 months you weigh in at 10 lbs and 13.5 are trending perfectly and continue to be in the 10th percentile.
14. You drink 4.5 oz. - 5 oz. 6-8 times a day. You still get a little frozen breast milk in your bottles. It was so emotional for me to stop pumping, but the supply did not meet the demand. If you ever breastfeed any of your babies, you'll know why giving it up was so hard. Words really can't explain it.
15. YOU SMILE A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16. You sort of tried to laugh with your father a week ago. We have it on video! Ask us to see it.
17. Your favorite outfit is a simple pair of jeans, white tee shirt and your grey headband.
18. You had your first babysitter and overnight baby sitter (non family) ever. Christine babysat on a Monday night so that Daddy and I could have some quality time together and Cari babysat overnight while we had a little get-away! You were "perfect" for both.
19. Adam still loves you a lot and wakes up in the middle of the night to feed you with me.
20, I start your days with "It's a Beautiful Day" by U2 and play you the Will I Am song from Sesame Street at least once a day.
21. Most people say you look EXACTLY like Daddy (but prettier).
22. You try to hold your own bottle!
23. You are wearing size 2 diapers now!

I'm sure I'm forgetting so many new events, but as I remember them, I'll add them on!

I love you more today than yesterday,

PS - Check out the photo below. You've been trying to stand since your first month. I hope you always want to stand up for yourself, baby girl.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Don't Cry Because It's Over...Smile Because it Happened

Dear Lucy,

I waited all week to write you this note. Had I written it earlier, you would have read a sad note about how much I will miss our days together. Instead, three days later, I have a little more perspective and write from a place of gratitude.

Thank you for the last twelve weeks. While we have the rest of our lives to spend time together and bond, those days meant the world to me - they were just about mom and daughter. Some of my favorite memories felt like the most frustrating days of my life! Remember the time you cried so hard that we sat on the washing machine for an hour to make you stop? What began as a 24 hour period (who even knew what time it was) of begging you to sleep has quickly transformed into a day of trying to keep you awake so we can play longer.

I am back at work now, working to help your father afford a life that we dream for you - I want you to have anything and everything. I'm working hard to give you the chance to play where you want, learn what you want and one day study at any institution that is lucky enough to have you. I am working so we can go on vacation together, so that you can entertain your hobbies more often (horseback riding? Sure! Tennis? You got it!). I am working because your father and I are a team, challenging ourselves to give you even more blessings than we were given (you'll do the same thing when you're a parent, Lucy). And of course, I am working because I love my job and am dreaming more and more about where I want my career to go. One day I will explain it all to you.

I miss you every single day, every single hour. Rest assured, my love, that while I work hard, I've got one eye on my clients and the other on the clock, awaiting my Lucy/Daddy/Adam time - the BEST part of my day.

There is no need to cry, let's just smile because it happened.

See you tonight. I love you.

Our Last Day!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Don't Wait Up!

Last night marked the conclusion of our week-long Valentine's Day! Jason and I spent it alone, without precious baby and dog. We left them in great hands with Grandma Sandy in charge during the first shift and Aunt Cari taking over for the last 14.5 hours (but who was counting?).

Jason and I checked into the hotel (thanks to Aunt Michele!) around 5. We threw down our things and walked to Millennium Park to check out the Bean and the new lights shining upon it. We then waited in a half hour line to get to the top of the Hancock for a couple cocktails (worth the wait when you're with someone you love). By the time we got to the 95th floor, we called to change our dinner reservation at Capital Grille to 9:30. We met a great couple at the bar and had much needed romance at dinner. Hand in hand, we made it back to the hotel for a good night's sleep! 

Meanwhile back home, our little ballerina was busy-busy going on a walk and doing her thang. Cari sent photos (THANK YOU). All of her smiles gave us amazing peace of mind knowing that there was no rush home - she was having a blast. And so, we walked to brunch & enjoyed our time together. 

When we arrived home, we were greeted by a happy dog, spotless home and beaming baby. And they were greeted by a couple really in love. :)

PS - Lucy and I had an extensive conversation the other day! It was awesome. Girl likes to talk (like her mama).

PPS - Lucy met cousin Becky yesterday!! She was so excited to spend time with one of Mom and Dad's favorite people. Thanks to Cousin Becky for the fabulous gifts!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Take Your Love to Work Day

I had a doctor appointment early in the morning, so Lucy and I stopped by the office on our way (it is on the same block) so that I could show Lucy where I will be thinking about her next week. She was such a natural, picking up the phone, charming my boss and taking care of business. I was happy that she was able to see my office.

Lucy's new best friend
At the appointments afterward, she made friends with the receptionist and walked around with her during my entire appointment. As I sat awaiting the doctor, I could see Lucy pass by with the nice woman, filing folders, showing patients their room and finally sleeping on her chest. Another fun day with my babe...
Lucy and Steve

Lucy's first day at work


Our Baby Valentine


Happy First Valentine's Day! We LOVE you. We love getting to know you everyday, watching you grow and learning more about who you are. You are a new part of our wonderful family; one that has filled our hearts with pride and more joy than we ever knew possible. We love you today and every other day, too. It just keeps getting better and better...

Love, Mommy and Daddy
PS - Today we did our first art project together! (See below.)
PPS - Thanks for helping me surprise Daddy this week. We had a great Valentine's Day because of it! Look how exhausted you were after the crafts and your big dinner:)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Our Weekend With Aunt Laurel!

We spent the weekend with one of my oldest and closest friends in the whole world. On Thursday afternoon, Laurel came in just to meet you, Lucy. We did so many fun things like grocery shop, go on errands, brunch, nap...and listen to Baby Girl Bohrer cry...and cry. (Aunt Laurel still loves you!)

On Friday, we ran errands in a blizzard. It was the first time that you were outside to see the snow live! We were so excited that you and Adam dressed up like snowflakes in honor of the milestone!

We said goodbye to Aunt Laurel on Sunday, following a night of adult fun (Daddy stayed home with you), which was much needed! Note: You have clearly found your hands. These days you try to put the whole thing in your mouth. You also are making amazing eye contact. We are trying to do as much tummy time as possible are accepting it more and more everyday.

Friday, February 10, 2012

This Magic Moment

I was just feeding you in your room. It was your father's "turn," given that it is weekend, but I insisted. Today marks the end of the second last week before I go back to work (whoa, what a mouth-full). I miss our days together already.

Your Dad walked into the room to be sure that I didn't want him to help. You were a pleasure and all I needed in that moment. As he walked out of the room and started dinner with Laurel, he told me something that made me smile. "She really loves you," he said.

"You are clearly bonded," he told me. I knew it, but it felt so wonderful to hear. "How so? Tell me more. Why do you say that?" I needed to know everything. It was simple a simple message with an overwhelming response.

As your dad quietly closed the door, you drank your milk and I gazed at my baby.

It was a magical moment.

Lucy's First Shopping Trip

Now that the doctor has given Lucy the go-around, she has been out and about and enjoying new sites. One of the first trips was to Northbrook Court. At Lord and Taylor, I thought Lucy was the happiest I had ever seen her! She was all smiles, looking at new colors and objects with eyes wide open! (She wanted a dress, but I told her to wait until she fits in 3-6 month clothing first!)

 Then came Macy's and she done! Crying is an understatement! It may have been because she wanted her first shopping experience to be with Grandma Sher or Aunt Michele!

I had to make one last stop of Lucy, of course!

After all that, we went home and Lucy's napped. Afterward, we went to Joey Goodman's to say hello. Joey continues to be the funniest child.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dr. Kindall Gives Great News!

We just got home from the cardiologist. it was a big appointment because month two is when symptoms of congestive heart disease show signs of failure. We were told to expect this month to be the one where she likely goes on meds and start the talk of surgery.

Lucy had a "perfect" report. She is growing EXACTLY as she should be, breathing the right way and basically acting as if she doesn't have any VSDs. While we usually would return in a couple weeks, this time we won't go back to the cardiologist for two whole months (she will still go bi-monthly, i'm guessing to the ped). There is a real chance of no surgery, though it would be a unique situation given Lucy's heart.


Oh, and she can go in public now!! woo-hoo!

PS - Right now Luce is napping in her crib, likely dreaming about how much she loves life...she's a very happy baby!

PPS - She now weighs 9.14!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Cleveland ROCKS!

The three of us made great timing, arriving around 6 PM. We only made four brief stops - two of which were to yank Adam off the CAR SEAT and chain him up to the front seat. He loves his Lucy! One of the stops involved a breathing check to make sure my Sleeping Beauty was okay - she did not make a peep.

Grandma Sherry and Grandpa Bruce welcomed us with open arms. Needless to say, the entire week involved showing Lucy off to some of the people that I love most. Lucy met Caroline, Amy, Aunt Margie, Uncle Harold, Rita, Bruce, Hannah, Craig, Rachel, Brittany, Josh, Tammy, Sydney, Drew, Alex, Julie, Rochelle, Susan, Kevin, Ashley, Scarlet, Stephanie, Jeff, Margie Rotman, Diane, Katie, Michelle, Brian, and more. What a labor of love.

Lucy wants to move to Cleveland. I told her it is not possible. We'll go every other month instead.

Lucy developed tremendously while in Cleveland. She smiled much more often, grabbed something for the first time (still not sure if it was on purpose) and said her first words, "I miss Daddy." Well, all but the last is true.

It was the first time that I did not feel like a teenager in my home. As I held Lucy in the mirror of the room I grew up in, I felt just that...grown up. It made me think about all the trips that I took to NJ to visit MY mom's childhood home. I wondered if my mom felt like I did. And then it dawned on me...Mom and I often watched "I love Lucy" before bed in HER old twin size bed.

Here are some highlights from Lucy's first trip "home." I hope she loves Cleveland as much as I loved NJ.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

And We're Off...

Lucy and I are heading to Cleveland in about an hour. I've got her and Adam all packed, time to pack myself. Wish me luck - five days without a husband or (maybe equally as importantly) a swing:).

Thursday, January 26, 2012

All About Me: Lucy Hannah, 2 Months Old

Lucy -

If it is possible, your father and I are even more proud of you this month than last month. You have developed mentally and physically just the way the doctor and we had hoped. Here are some new bits about our girl this month!

1. Your favorite hang out spot is the swing. Now that you're a little bigger, it fits like a glove.
2. This month you fell in love with classical music.  The doctor says that you are a different baby with Mozart in the background (you used to cry:). *No more water or white noise.
3. You LOVE bath time and seem so relaxed while in the tub. Maybe next month we can bring toys in!
4. This month you started sleeping in the crib full time! (Thanks! Now Mom and Dad can share a bed again). We love watching you on the monitor - beats anything we can find on TV. You wake up around 5:30 and want to chill with Mom, Dad and Adam in our room. (You also wake up once in the middle of the night. Actually, Dr. Donohoe insists that we wake you after 5 hours to feed you, who knows if you would sleep through the night otherwise?! We're hoping this changes soon).
5. Your eyes can find me across the room!
6. You can sit on my lap without head support. You can even move your head around, moving it side to side and up and down.
7. Your (aka Mom's) favorite two outfits - the jean skirt and your pink tie-dyed onesie.
8. You LOVE looking at the mirror above the swing.
9. You are starting to enjoy the regular mirror, too.
10. Today was your two month doctor appointment. You weigh 9.7 lbs (in the 10th percentile) and are 22 inches long (25th percentile). The doctor says you couldn't be more on track or "perfect." (Duh.)
11. You take Zantac for acid is the best thing ever!
12. I still pump all day long, providing mostly breast milk. Your appetite demands a supplementation of Similac for Gassy and Fussy Babies (not that you are, but, this is what you will take:).
13. You met Cousin Max, Uncle Michael and Aunt Meredith this month. You LOVED them.
14. You sneeze multiple times in a row like your parents, Grandma Sandy and Grandpa Bruce (Cleveland).
15. You just started to suck your fist - what's that all about, honey?
16. Dad feeds you during weekend night, Mommy during the week.
17. You stop crying when bounced.
18. You are big enough for your bumboo chair.
19. You eat 95-100 MLs 7-8 times daily.
20. You love the car still (I'm hoping you love it this Sunday when we go to Cleveland for the first time! I couldn't be more excited).
21. You stretch in your sleep and moan while you do it. Hilarious.

We love you so much. I am treasuring these first few months more than you know. I actually look forward to holding you in the middle of the night now...I figure I'll sleep some other year.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Gorgeous Babies...with a lot of Bogart in them! :)

The other day at Grandpa Bruce's house, everyone was saying that Lucy looks "JUST LIKE JASON." Although I see some resemblance (thank goodness, he's so darn cute), I have to argue that she's got Bogart in her, too! Check out the photos below. These are of Cousin Max when he was younger. Do you not see Lucy in these pics?? If you know my sister in law, you know that Max looks JUST like her, too, but clearly the Bogart gene is representing. 

Can you imagine two cuter cousins? I can't! Below the pics is a new video of Lucy. I think she looks like Max in it. It was taken yesterday, just shy of two months old.

What? Everyone mom wants their baby to look like them. :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lucy relaxes in the tub...Adam in the crib...on the same night

I have been seeking out ways to cheer Adam up lately. I read online that  by involving your dog in the baby's daily activities, he/she will be happier around the baby. Don't get me wrong, Adam has been very content and always nice to his new niece, BUT he does not seem to be quite as happy. Meanwhile, Lucy has been figuring out the bathtub everyday, somewhat unsure about whether or not she likes it. This week, both Lucy and Adam found their way.

 Jason and I always clean her together, but on this specific night, Adam helped, too. The bath was perfect for Lucy (and has been ever since) and Adam was happy to be included (he even helped to change her afterward). He also got to experience the crib. Now, he knows all. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Meet Lucy Hannah

Yesterday Grandpa Bruce had his friends over to show off his smart grandchild, Lucy! It was a chance for all his suburban friends to get to know the new love of his life. At the end, Lucy and Grandpa Bruce said goodbye for six whole weeks (he is off to Florida). Lucy was such a great girl! She did not fuss even once. She napped at the end of the day and slept a ton at night - being social is exhausting, but she is clearly a social butterfly.:)

PS - Adam had a great time, too!

Here are some highlights from the day: