Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My heart Skipped a Beat - Or two!

Last weekend you took my breath away. I had no idea how much it would mean for me to see you in temple, being held by Rabbi Skoff. I had no clue. Perhaps it was because the man who bat mitzvahed me and married Daddy and me held you up to the congregation - including family from near and far, as he blessed you. Perhaps it was because the next time you have the religous spotlight on you, it will be when you're consecrated or bat mitzvahed.

You continue to take my breath away. I love you more than you know and am more proud of you today than I was yesterday. I'm not kidding - I love you, i love you, i love you!

We all love you. Grandma Sherry, Grandpa Bruce, Grandma Sandy, Grandpa Bruce, Uncle Michael, Aunt Meredith, Max!!, Uncle Joel, Aunt Fran, Donna, Aunt Arlene, Uncle David, Marissa, Great Grandma Harriet!!, Uncle Hal, Aunt Margie


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Are you really almost SIX MONTHS OLD????????

Where has the time gone?

I'm so sorry that I have failed to write lately, Luce. We've been SO busy! We have been to the park, to Wrigley for Joey's birthday, at Daddy's baseball game with Adam, playing with Abby and Ryan, going to music class w/ Anna, etc etc etc.

And you have been really busy changing, too. YOU ARE EATING RICE CEREAL!, you spend all your time moving around or sucking your toes, you seem to be teething, you're still loving Joanna and best of all - it is clear that you love Dad, Adam and me. And that makes me so happy.

You are so happy.

And so pretty.

And perhaps too smart! You know how to get my phone in your mouth better than I know how to keep it away. You move around like crazy in your sleep - remind me to look into bumpers, i believe they are okay after a certain amount of time...I hate waking up to your limbs out of the crib!

I just dove in to catch you up really quickly. more on life tomorrow.

Kisses from Mommy,