Friday, July 22, 2011

Dear Baby Girl Bohrer (21 Weeks)

7.22.11, 21 weeks and 6 days 

Dear Baby -  I loved you when you were the size of a lentil. And now, months later, as I look at carrots in a way that I never have before, your father and I feel changed forever by a new level of love that we feel for you. My favorite part of carrying you is knowing that you’re always with me. All day long, I consider what you are feeling,doing, perhaps even hearing and thinking. In my morning shower, I lessen the pressure and heat for you, just in case it is too hot or too great. When I get off the bus or out of the car, I wait for walk signal (even when traffic is stopped)…just in case you’re watching my safety habits (I want to set a perfect example). When I eat lunch, I try to eat nutrients that will make you strong mentally and physically. 

I also find a way to indulge in a healthy way – I never want you to restrict yourself from the sweetness life has to offer, but always want you to seek balance when finding it. I try to drink lots of water in this summer heat, just in case you’re feeling dehydrated like I do. You make me a better water drinker. When I get home, I make sure to kiss your father so he know how happy he makes me. After we kiss, he Always bends down and kisses you through my belly to ensure that you know how happy you make him. At nighttime, I sleep on my left side…because that is what healthy moms are supposed to do. While I can’t always fall asleep,I’m always dreaming about the day I get to hold you. You’re nearly 22 weeks old and I couldn’t love you more than I do.
In such a short time, you’ve already made me a better person.

I love you, Mommy