Friday, October 28, 2011

Dear Baby –

Dear Baby –

We’re less than a month away. My how times flies.

I think now is the time to tell you some of my wishes for you. Be prepared - this list will never end.

1.      Accept and love yourself, just as you are.
2.      Be the very best version of yourself that you can possibly be.
3.      Explore your passions and remain curious always.
4.      Ask questions when you don’t know the answers.
5.      Respect yourself - your mind, your body, your future.
6.      Express yourself.
7.      I want you to free yourself from societal expectations and set your own. Aim high, dream big.
8.      Make time for your family. Value each member for who they are.
9.      Take mental notes of mistakes to avoid making them again in the future.
10.   Create.
11.   Be ambitious – you have no idea just how powerful or capable you are until you push your own limits. Never settle for second best.
12.   Surround yourself with friends who respect you and make you smile. Avoid those who give you heartache.
14.   Laugh a lot.
15.   Spend time with yourself, continuing to get to know yourself as you change with every passing year.
16.   Listen to your gut – it knows all.
17.   Stay active and eat healthily. You have one body to treat well and keep healthy.
18.   Only date men that are as respectful and nice to you as your father is.
19.   Read.
20.   Keep in touch with our east coast family.
21.   Hug your mom every day. (Sorry, I had to throw that in.)
22.   Live the life you are meant to – never settling for being anyone other than who YOU are.
23.   Celebrate every success and learn from each failure.
24.   Go to sleep every night knowing without a doubt that your family loves you and is here for you in every way possible!

More to come,

Thursday, October 27, 2011


We're 4.5 weeks away and I can tell. Suddenly (and I mean out of nowhere), my thighs ache and my ribs are being kicked constantly. My shirts are getting shorter and my feet are growing wider! I tried my rings on (I miss them a lot) and they don't go past my KNUCKLE! Last weekend, Jason and I were getting our sneakers on for a walk when I realized that I needed his help squeezing them on. Needless to say, there were tears...but Jason promised me that it is "beautiful."

At work I am wrapping up, putting peices of my world together so that my boss can cover for me while I am out. Jason is so busy as work (given it's Q4), but continues to kiss his daughter through my belly, find time to go to the doctor with us and remind of his love at least once randomly throughout the day.

Grandpa Bruce came in town last weekend. Even he says that we're changing, that we've gone from "newlyweds to young marrieds." He blogged about it here - and I loved it.

The more things change...the more they change! This is the first time I have finished that sentence in that way. Things are defenitely CHANGING. We're ready for it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Meet the Father


I'm Jason and soon to be the father of our little girl and husband to the best wife ever, Stacy. It's nice to be here and to be able to share our experiences with everyone who reads this.

The past 9(ish) months have been an amazing experience. Seeing our little miracle grow has been exhilirating. I remember the first time I felt her kick. We were laying in bed, my hand on Stacy's stomach. I fully expected to not feel anything. It had been about 10 minutes and nothing. We decided to put some music on for her to listen to. We played the song, "Father and Daughter" by Paul Simon. This may sound corny and made up but it's the truth that our little one kicked and I felt her for the first time during that song. One of the most amazing memories of my entire life. I can't wait to play it for her when I can actually hold her hand.

I will be chiming in from time to time sharing my thoughts and experiences. We are definitely in for a wild ride and I (and I'm sure Stacy would agree) can't wait!

Uncle Adam Prepares

 Adam has definitely been getting ready for Baby Girl Bohrer. Whether he's resting his body in the maternity pillow or captivated by Joey Goodman (he even gave him a bath with Jamie), he's been in non-stop baby mode.

He constantly rests his chin on my belly, listening for the somersaults of the baby and feeling the kicks along with me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Larger than Life

I’m finding myself quite distracted these days. Just when I start to focus on producing great work, the baby kicks me back into lala land, daydreaming about all the fun we’re going to have together. Then again, it’s hard to forget the future changes approaching when looking in the mirror – suddenly my belly is screaming 38 weeks to people who don’t know I’m only 33.5! I’m not offended, though – instead, I smile and say, “isn’t she beautiful? Nope, still have 6.5 weeks to go until I meet my babe!"

Sunday, October 2, 2011

We're Moving on the West Side

While we only moved about 7 blocks, it seems like a world away. With just a couple more months until Baby Girl Bohrer arrives, it is time to make room for our daughter. After 8 long hours, the movers finally left and the four of us slept under our new roof. Here is the before photo of the nursery! Adam is anxiously awaiting his niece!